Could not resist this little guy. He seems so at home in the garden. My ten year old will love this project.
yarn, needles, more yarn...
Could not resist this little guy. He seems so at home in the garden. My ten year old will love this project.
Spring Fever and late nights lead to knit-a-longs...my little yellow bunny is almost finished. I'll post a picture of him soon. Procrastination can be so very good for my creativity.
I have to stop searching the internet! This sweater is an absolute must, though. Maybe by the end of summer so I'll have it for fall?
I am one of those people who likes to do something once...only once. So what made me think that socks were a good idea when the whole idea of socks is that there are TWO of the silly little things? The first sock is complete and I am so very pleased with the results. However, the second little guy is giving me fits. I have frogged it multiple times and still have very little progress to show for the hours working on the little thing. Thankfully, I love the yarn and will continue until the work is complete simply because I love the yarn. There probably won't be many socks in my future...but, who knows! I may just turn over a new leaf...or skein as the knitter might say. Spring Cleaning has taken over my knitting time and energy but I have made lots of progress in this little house of mine and I hope to be able to curl up in a big comfy chair and begin a new project very soon. Has anyone else fallen in love with the PJ set in the new Interweave Knits magazine? I have a yummy pale blue Rowan cotton I think would be heavenly to sleep in.
I am still procrastinating about the spring cleaning that simply must get done...THIS spring. Thankfully, we are getting a steady but light rain and it isn't supposed to stop for a day or so. Maybe that will keep me inside? I picked up my sock this morning to knit a row or two and it seems to me that it is awfully large for my foot. I can't imagine starting over so I'll just forge ahead with the pattern instructions and hope that it fits in the end! I received my Stitches Midwest brochure in the mail yesterday. I would really like to take a class or two but need to think about the timing with children home all summer. Choosing a class from all that are offered will be the next big deal...how to choose? I'm leaning towards a project class. Enough rambling...I'm off to get something done in this little house of mine. Unfortunately, it won't be knitting until I get that cleaning thing done.
Just a little knitting diversion...I love blue and white so I knew just what to do when I saw these little beads. I haven't had time to sit and relax so very little knitting is being done these past few days. I really miss it. Spring cleaning first...ugh!
The weather is gorgeous and I've been in my garden clearing out leaves and transplanting pachysandra. However, I have been able to fit in a row or two of knitting. My sock is coming along beautifully and I am enjoying every stitch. I am also almost finshed with Anouk. The spring colors are just what I needed to get out of that winter funk. I found some great vintage fabric at a thrift store for fifty cents and I am dreaming of a new knitting bag. I'll plan to work on that on the next rainy day. For now, it is off to the gardens to do a bit of edging and then back inside for the dreaded "Spring Cleaning". I can see a garage sale in my near future...